June 13-16, 2022, Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb from air © The Zagreb Tourist Board J. Duval

Welcome to the website of the IAS-17 conference!

Dear colleagues,

it is a great pleasure for us to invite you to attend the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-17), taking place in Zagreb, Croatia on June 13-16, 2022.

Intelligent Autonomous Systems are increasingly applied in areas ranging from industrial applications to professional service and household domains. New technologies and application domains push forward the need for research and development resulting in new challenges to be overcome in order to apply Intelligent Autonomous Systems in a reliable and user-independent way. Recent advances in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Adaptive Control enable autonomous systems with improved robustness and flexibility.

We do believe that IAS-17 will provide an inspiring forum of scientists, engineers, and students coming from all around the world to present and discuss the latest scientific results, technologies and ideas enabling Intelligent Autonomous Systems to perform in a safe, skillful and robust manner handling uncertainty and unforeseen events.

We cordially invite you to help us making IAS-17 in Zagreb, Croatia, a great success and a memorable event by submitting your paper, organizing an invited session, workshop, or tutorial, participating in the technical program and enjoying the beauty of Zagreb and its lifestyle.

We are looking forward to hosting you in Zagreb in 2022!


Ivan Petrović

(General Chair)

Emanuele Menegatti

(General Co-Chair)